I, it - the.

idiom - style appropriate to a specific medium, its capacities and limitations. Also used to mean style in general.

il piu - the most.

im - in the.

imitando - imitating.

imitation - a theme or melody which appears consecutively in different parts in contrapuntal texture.

impaziente - impatient, hurried.

imperioso - pompous.

impetuoso - vehement.

imponente - haughtily.

impromptu - a piece that suggests improvisation, that has a feeling of informality. First used in the early nineteenth century.

improvisation - to create music extemporaneously. Also applies to unindicated ornamentation and to realization of a figured bass.

in - in, in the.

incalzando - with growing warmth.

inconsolato - in a mournful style.

inquieto - restless, uneasy.

instantemente - urgently.

instrumentation - the instruments indicated in an orchestral score.

intermezzo - an interlude, a piece designed originally to be performed between the acts of a play or opera.

interval - the pitch distance between two tones, designated numerically as seconds, thirds, fourths, and so on.

intimo - expressive.

intrata (intrada) - the name given to an opening piece of march-like character. The Italian equivalent of an Entrée or Prelude.

intrepidamente - boldly.

invention - a short contrapuntal piece for two or three voices, in imitative style.

inversion - in melody, the interval-for-interval progression in the opposite direction, up for down and vice versa. In harmony, the root of a chord in some part other than the bass, e.g., first inversion (third of the chord in the bass), second inversion (fifth of the chord in the bass).

invertible counterpoint - counterpoint so designed that either of two melodic lines may be the upper.

irato - angrily.

ironico - ironical.

irresoluto - wavering.

istesso - the same.

istesso tempo - the same time.


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