Guitar Finger Picking Examples - Left Handed

All of these examples are commonly used in all styles playing. The 1st example only uses open strings (6th - 3rd - 2nd and 1st) so that you can focus on the technique so the motion is all downward. If you aren't sure how to read the notes check out the lesson on TABLATURE.

When playing remember to:
  • Strive for an even fluid motion so all of the strings have the same volume
  • Keep your hand relaxed and your fingers curved.
  • All motion only comes from the fingers, not your wrist or arm.
  • Go slow and take your time.
  • Keep repeating each exercise until you feel comfortable with it then try the next one.

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The 2nd example uses the same strings and is similar except that we will change the motion so that you go down and then back up.
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The 3rd example is similar to the 1st one except we will now use the thumb on the 6th string then the 5th string.
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Now we are going to use the E Minor chord so you can get a better feel for fingerpicking using your thumb for different bass notes of the chord. The chord diagram is below along with the score.

This 4th exercise also uses all 3 of the bass strings (6th-5th-4th) while the fingers use the same downward motion.
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Try using these fingerpicking patterns with different chords so that you have to actually change chords while fingerpicking. Use chords that you already know and feel comfortable with changing while playing.
If you don't know any chords check out the MAJOR or MINOR chord lessons.

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