Obviously the more you practice the better you will play sooner, however, sitting and practicing for an hour each day is not always the best way to learn. Often people will learn faster by splitting up their practice time to several 20 minute sessions throughout the day instead.   Just sitting there watching the clock for an hour to pass is not an efficient use of your time. Do whatever works best for you.

Here are some practice tips for the beginner.
  • Speed and playing fast should be the last thing on your mind.   It is actually harder to play slow and in time than to play fast.   The key here is to work on getting your timing first, you will soon find out that playing fast is actually easy.

  • Be sure to focus on your technique.   It always harder to unlearn something and have to relearn it, than to learn it right the 1st time.

  • Try and use recommended fingerings for chords and scales.   They are not only the most common fingerings but lend themselves to move to other chords or notes easier.   Always use fingerings that work for you.

  • Scales are not only a great warm-up exercise but will really help with your finger independence.   You can avoid being one of those guitarist's that can only use 3 fingers on their fretboard hand.

  • Learning the notes on the fretboard one string at a time is a good warm up exercise and will let you get to know the guitar Fretboard better.   Practice starting at the open position and going up to the 12th fret and back down.   It will improve your finger independence and hand positions.

  • When you aren't practicing look over the basics for chord and scale theory.   This will help you to better understand the guitar and music in general a lot faster.

  • Listen to just the guitar parts on your favorite songs on CD's, mp3's, etc.,.   You will begin to hear music differently by listening to styles and learning how to train your ear.   Pay attention to dynamics ... this is the ability to control how loud you play.

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